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The Arrival: Anticipating the Very First Ride

Interview Cort Cunningham
Fotos Thomas Nolf
Marco Breier Zurück zum Rider Stories Top

Marco Breier had been dreaming about owning a Cowboy bike after searching endlessly for the perfect e-bike to fit his style and way of life. As the founder of KOM4TEC which transforms communication and IT systems for companies in the digital age, design and functionality are supremely important to him. When we first spoke with Marco, he was anticipating the arrival of his new bike and had told us: "I decided this must be the bike for me. Every day I'm dreaming about me on the bike." We checked in with him again, now with bike in hand, to see if we've lived up to his high expectations. He told us that five minutes after setup, he rode 10 km and didn't want to stop. All the proof we need. He shared, "The bike does exactly what it's supposed to do and looks damn good. It's incredibly beautiful. It's a cool feeling to be asked about this bike at least once a day by strangers."

"Every day I'm dreaming about me on the bike, riding to my office in Frankfurt. For me, it fits perfectly.”

How did you first connect with Cowboy? I'm very into design and technical things. I must have searched the entire internet looking for a minimalistic, super cool bike. I have a Fiat 500. It's a special edition in matte black, so I thought it would be wonderful to have a bike in the same color. I also liked the story behind the company. So when I found Cowboy, I decided that it must be the bike for me. Nothing compares to the Cowboy bike.

How so? Well, design is more than just a hobby for me. I live and think in design. It just makes me happy. I see perfection in the logo. The symbol has meaning. Plus the app has a cool design. It's not just an app, you actually need it. Everything comes together and gives me great enthusiasm.

Marco Breier

Were you specifically looking for an e-bike? What was on your mind? Sport and health are really important to me. My whole life, I've done a lot of sports but I haven't ridden my bike a lot. I thought I would love to ride my bike to the office and to meet our customers in Frankfurt. I want to take it to the train, get off at the station, and ride the rest of the way by bike. That's what was on my mind when I was looking for this kind of bike. Every day I'm dreaming about me on the bike, riding to my office in Frankfurt. For me, it fits perfectly.

So you don't have the bike yet, then. It's not yet part of your routine? No, the bike is on its way. It arrives tomorrow.

"Design is more than just a hobby for me. I live design and think in design. It just makes me happy."

What attracted you to the Cowboy story? It was very realistic. I thought about what would be the best way to construct the bike and what the bike could be today for urban people—slick tires, light, easy to handle, automatic. I also liked that the guys who founded the company are not coming from the bike industry. They just had a good idea and made it happen. The story's perfect. It's a little bit like our story [at KOM4TEC]. Friends who decided to make an idea real.

Marco Breier

Tell me about your story. When in your life have you felt the most cowboy? Two different times, actually. One private, the other business.

Okay. Go for both! With the birth of my daughter, I became disciplined to do what I have to do; whatever it takes to go my way for me and my family. You have to experience it. You can no longer put things off. So yeah, I got the cowboy superpower in this moment and also when I founded my first company. We started with five people, and now three and a half years later we are 35. It's been a crazy ride, but we've made it. Looking at the sales figures, we were able to say, 'Okay we got it.' Now I have the time back again to think about the future… should we go left, should we go right. Now we really feel like cowboys.

Marco Breier

So now you have the wind behind your back? Yes. Before we were just looking for clients and projects all night long. Now it's much, much better. I'm also very focused on my health. Swimming, martial arts, clean eating, and intermittent fasting. And biohacking. Do you know biohacking? It's when you take a super cold shower in the morning. Just a cold shower, no warm water. Just everything that makes me happy. I travel a lot by train. And I really, really want to travel to my clients and to our office with my bike. And I can't wait to do it, yeah.

In just a few days, you'll be doing it. Have a good first ride. Yes, I can't wait!

Marco Breier

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